This little man was such a dream baby. Momma wanted grey to be the main color and let me just say, it was the perfect choice because it looked amazing on him.
The little drawer shown here was found on one of my antiquing journeys. It’s become a personal favorite of mine! I love finding unique things that really showcase just how small these little babies are.
I was told that daddy was a really big Star Wars fan so of course, we had to do at least one Star Wars set up! And who can resist a little baby smirk?! I always wonder what it is they’re thinking about when they flash use those sleepy smiles.
Momma and baby images… they’re everything. She will look back on these images just a few months from now and be surprised that he was ever small enough to fit in her arms.
Eyes open or closed, he sure was animated! And he folded right up into the froggy pose like a natural. Perfectly comfortable, and perfectly content.
So many favorite photos, it was hard to choose only a handful!