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You can reach us by telephone at 206.225.8711.

Most emails will receive same day response.

Studio Located in Maple Valley, WA.


These little ones were born just six days apart.  One weighing 5 lbs and the other weighing 9.  It has been so much fun watching them grow together. Look for some type of cake smashing session in May!


6 month old Peyton

Here’s Peyton just before he turned 6 months.  Not quite sitting up, not quite crawling… the awesome stage where they roll all over the place trying to get from one end of the room to the other.

Peyton 6 months-044 copy Peyton 6 months-043 copy Peyton 6 months-038 copy

seattle newborn photographer dawn potter

i believe...

every photograph tells a story. capturing moments that would otherwise be forgotten. moments that can not be replicated or reproduced. moments that that are unique in meaning to every person who sees them. moments that you can not get back.

a photograph allows you the opportunity to relive those moments over and over again. these moments shape the story of our lives, and everyone has a story to tell.

let me help you tell yours.

portrait photography seattle washington@dawnpotternewbornphotography
portrait photography seattle washington


telephone | (206) 225-8711
dawn potter - award winning newborn baby photographer in seattle washington

located in Renton, washington