Meet Seattle Photographer

any day I get
to snuggle a baby
is better
than any day
that i don't
my name is dawnhello!and i'm so glad you're here

it's crazy to think that my journey started with a cheap digital camera and an obsession with babies, but that's exactly how it happened. after having four children of my own, i looked at my husband and told him this was something i had to do. it wasn't realistic for me to keep having babies just so i could continue to experience the newborn stage (even though i swear i could have lived a very fulfilled life doing just that!) it made sense for me to blend my love of art and creativity with my passion for babies, and nearly 11 years ago, I did just that.


this journey has led me down a path that I never could have imagined. since starting my business, i have photographed hundreds of babies, i have won awards for the art that i have created, I have taught many other newborn photographers at workshops and photography conferences in Canada, the Us and south America, and i continue to love my life more and more everyday.


i am truly humbled and flattered that you are considering me to capture this special time in your life and please know that should you choose me, i will love your baby as my own.

dawnxoxoand i'm so glad you're here
telephone | (206) 225-8711
dawn potter - award winning newborn baby photographer in seattle washington

located in Renton, washington